CAN B16/18 Secondary Effects (Refresh of Science Classrooms that were transferred from B23)
Secondary effects due to science classrooms, labs, offices being relocated to new CAN Building 23 to provide classrooms, labs and offices for other programs.
Master Bond Project List Type:
• I.A - Prepare students for high-demand 21st century jobs by constructing and upgrading classrooms, labs and job training facilities
• I.B - Modernize or construct science, engineering and math classrooms and labs
• I.C - Update campus facilities to improve access for disabled students
• I.E - Provide adequate classrooms and labs for nursing, radiologic technology, respiratory therapy, surgical technology, dental assisting and other health service programs
• I.F - Remove hazardous materials, including asbestos, from College facilities
• I.G - Upgrade computer labs and classroom technology to support quality teaching and learning
• I.H - Improve classrooms and educational facilities to meet earthquake, fire and safety codes
• I.J - Replace aging heating, ventilation and air conditioning infrastructure with energy-efficient systems
• I.L - Renovate or construct interior and exterior instructional and support facilities
• I.M - Install security, video and communications systems to improve safety at the Colleges