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DW Telephone System Replacement

This project will entail careful evaluation of current systems available from multiple manufactures as the current Siemens HiPath telephone system is approaching 10 years of age and the hardware has reached manufacture end-of-life. Once a replacement system is selected it will be purchased, configured and deployed. The process to replace handsets throughout the Colleges and District Office will be lengthy and need to carefully take into account the academic calendar to cause the least disruption possible. ITS will conduct a RPF process to select a new VoIP phone system that will integrate with network and current Office 365 unified communication environment.

Budget: $1,071,815

Status: Complete

Master Bond Project List Type:
II.E - Upgrade network infrastructure and telephone systems

II.F - Renovate, upgrade or install network infrastructure to support instructional and web based student support services including distance learning and online classes, and administrative services