07-8502 - Modernization
Budget: $6,417,379
Construction Start: February 2019
Construction End: August 2019
Major ADA upgrades to Student (Kindergarten) and Staff Restrooms at Buildings B and K. Minor upgrade to Student and Staff Restrooms at buildings A, C, D and F. Buildings will receive a new fire alarm service/intercom service, replacement of finishes (flooring, paint, tackable walls, and selected ceiling), refurbishing of casework, window treatments at classrooms. Improve accessibility for drinking fountains, plumbing fixtures and casework in classrooms. Replace HVAC at portable. Convert old kitchen to science lab. Replace finishes at warming kitchen. New roofing and re-roof at Buildings C and D, paint exterior trim, repair dry rot and replace door and door frames as needed. New lunch tables. Replace existing sewer piping, add backflow preventer and install booster pump for irrigation system. Replace flooring in rooms 24 and 25.